Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 7, 2016

Excel OR Function

Formula examples 
If NOT this or that 
If cell is x or y and z 
If cell is this OR that 
Highlight dates that are weekends
Test multiple conditions with OR
Return value 
TRUE if any arguments evaluate TRUE; FALSE if not.
=OR (logical1, [logical2], ...)
  • logical1 - The first condition or logical value to evaluate.
  • logical2 - [optional] The second condition or logical value to evaluate.
Usage notes 
Use the OR function to test multiple conditions at the same time, up to 255 conditions total.
For example, to test if the value in A1 OR the value in B1 is greater than 75, use the following formula:
OR can be used to extend the functionality of functions like IF. Using the above example, you can supply OR as the logical_test for an IF function like so:
=IF(OR(A1>75,B1<75), "Pass", "Fail")
This formula will return "Pass" if the value in A1 is greater than 75 OR the value in B1 is greater than 75.
If you enter OR as an array formula, you can test all values in a range against a condition. For example, this array formula will return TRUE if any cell in A1:A100 is greater than 15:
Each logical condition must evaluate to TRUE or FALSE, or be arrays or references that contain logical values.
Text values or empty cells supplied as arguments are ignored.
The OR function will return #VALUE if no logical values are found
Web : excel

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